Twitter Chat
Below are a few screenshots of some tweets I sent during our #EDCI339 Participatory Twitter chat.
After participating in the Twitter chat, my eyes were opened to the vast possibilities and potential that Twitter has to be a collaborative learning space. The use of a singular hashtag #EDCI339 made it easy to follow along in the quickly moving environment where thoughts and ideas were flowing, creating a community feeling where a group of like-minded individuals could collaborate. Initially I doubted the effectiveness of a Twitter chat from an educational standpoint, but quickly forgot about those worries after being immersed in the chat, and losing track of time while reading all of the phenomenal responses and ongoing conversation. The ability to hyperlink, mention others and reply to past tweets allowed for all participants to benefit and learn from others, while even making a few new friends in the process! I think that more educators should consider the effectiveness and ease of use a Twitter chat can provide for a class when trying to collaborate and have large scale conversation about a particular subject or theme.
Evidence of Learning (Group Activity)
Below are a few images of our collaborative visual document my group and I created to demonstrate the similarities and differences between two online content repositories (K-12 OER “Cheat Sheet”) and another diagram that explains the differences and shared features we experienced when participating in the Wiki-editing, visitor & resident mapping along with the Twitter chat.